
Biotangents develop novel and portable infectious disease diagnostics providing same day results in veterinary clinics. Their fully automated lab-in-a-box solution empowers vets by reducing [...]

Peacock Technology

Peacock Technology was founded in 2009 to develop and commercialise new automation technologies with a specialism in harsh outdoor real-world environments.  The company are currently developing a [...]


Dyneval has developed innovative technology which provides an easy-to-use, automated, and portable instrument for semen analysis. The Dyneval solution is becoming the gold-standard in semen [...]

Wellfish Diagnostics Wellfish Tech is the University of West of Scotland’s second spin-out company which has developed innovative technology which will disrupt the global fish health [...]

iLivestock The majority (approx. 70%) of farmers are unserved by existing solutions, which are prohibitively expensive, limited in functionality and ill-suited to the [...]